Stop word list German

aberalleallemallenallerallesalsalsoamanandereanderenandereranderesandermandernanderrandersauchaufausbeibinbisbistdadamitdannderdendesdemdiedasdaßderselbederselbendenselbendesselbendemselbendieselbedieselbendasselbedazudeindeinedeinemdeinendeinerdeinesdenndererdessendichdirdudiesdiesediesemdiesendieserdiesesdochdortdurcheineineeinemeineneinereineseinigeinigeeinigemeinigeneinigereinigeseinmalerihnihmesetwaseuereureeuremeureneurereuresfürgegengewesenhabhabehabenhathattehattenhierhinhinterichmichmirihrihreihremihrenihrerihreseuchiminindeminsistjedejedemjedenjederjedesjenejenemjenenjenerjenesjetztkannkannstkönnenkönntmachenmeinmeinemeinemmeinenmeinermeinesmitmussmusstmüssenmüsstnachnachdemneinnichtnunoderseidseinseineseinemseinenseinerseinesselbstsichsieihnensindsosolchesolchemsolchensolchersolchessollsollensollstsolltsondernsonstüberumundunsunserunseremunserenunsererunseresuntervielvomvonvorwannwarumwasweiterweiterewennwerwerdewerdenwerdetweshalbwiewiederwillwirwirdwirklichwirstwowoherwo… Stop word list German

Understanding J.D. Vance’s "Hillbilly Elegy" and the Couch Rumor

Understanding J.D. Vance’s "Hillbilly Elegy" and the Couch RumorJ.D. Vance’s "Hillbilly Elegy"Overview: "Hillbilly Elegy" is a memoir by J.D. Vance, published in 2016. The book chronicles Vance's upbringing in a working-class Appalachian family and his journey from a troubled childhood to graduating from Yale Law School. It offers a personal account of the socioeconomic challenges faced by the white working class in America.Content:Family Story: Vance details the tumultuous relationships and struggles within his family, particularly focusing on his grandparents, who played a significant role in his life.Cultural Analysis: While primarily a personal narrative, the memoir also delves into broader cultural and social issues affecting the Appalachian region, including addiction, economic decline, and the erosion of traditional values.Themes: Key themes include the impact of family and community, the challenges of escaping poverty, and the pursuit of the A… Understanding J.D. Vance’s "Hillbilly Elegy" and the Couch Rumor

Effective Techniques for Indonesian Text Retrieval

Effective Techniques for Indonesian Text Retrieval
A thesis submitted for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Jelita Asian B.Comp. Sc.(Hons.),
School of Computer Science and Information Technology,
Science, Engineering, and Technology Portfolio,
RMIT University,
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
30th March, 2007Declaration
I certify that except where due acknowledgment has been made, the work is that of the
author alone; the work has not been submitted previously, in whole or in part, to qualify
for any other academic award; the content of the thesis is the result of work which has been
carried out since the official commencement date of the approved research program; and, any
editorial work, paid or unpaid, carried out by a third party is acknowledged.
Jelita Asian
School of Computer Science and Information Technology
RMIT University
30th March, 2007ii
First and foremost, I thank Justin Zobel, Saied Tahaghoghi, and Falk Scholer for their
patience and general academic and mo… Effective Techniques for Indonesian Text Retrieval

Stemming untuk Bahasa Indonesia

Information Retrieval : Stemming untuk Bahasa Indonesia

Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang Stemming. Tutorial ini sebenarnya merupakan bagian dari tugas yang diberikan pada matakuliah “Sistem Temu Kembali Informasi” atau kalau dalam bahasa inggris disebut juga “Information Retrieval System” atau kalau dalam istilah ilmu komputer sering disebut “Information Retrieval” atau biasa disingkat “IR”.

Lalu apa sih hubungannya IR dengan Stemming, kenapa harus ada stemming dan bagaimana proses stemming itu sendiri? Ok. sebelum kita bahas tutorialnya kita bahas dulu apa itu stemming.

Oke, jadi Stemming merupakan suatu proses untuk menemukan kata dasar dari sebuah kata. Proses stemming dilakukan dengan menghilangkan semua imbuhan (afiks) baik yang terdiri dari awalan (prefiks) sisipan (infiks) maupun akhiran (sufiks) dan kombinasi dari awalan dan akhiran (konfiks). Stemming ini digunakan untuk mengganti bentuk dari suatu kata menjadi kata dasar sesuai dengan struktur morfologi bahasa indonesia y… Stemming untuk Bahasa Indonesia