Stemming Information Retrieval in Bahasa Indonesia

A Study of Stemming Effects on Information
Retrieval in Bahasa Indonesia
Fadillah Z Tala
Master of Logic Project
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation
Universiteit van Amsterdam
The NetherlandsContents
1 Introduction 1
2 A Purely Rule-based Stemmer for Bahasa Indonesia 3
2.1 Morphological Structure of Bahasa Indonesia Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 The Porter Stemming Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Porter Stemmer for Bahasa Indonesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3.1 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3 Evaluation of the Stemming Algorithm 11
3.1 Stemmer Quality Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.1.1 The Paice Evaluation Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.1.2 The Paice Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2 Error Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2.1 Inflectional Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2.2 Derivational Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4 Stemmer Performance Evaluation for Information Retrieval 18
4.1 The Test Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.1.1 The Document Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.1.2 The Information Requests (Queries) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.1.3 Relevant Documents for Every Information Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2 The FlexIR System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3 Performance Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
iii4.3.1 Precision/Recall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.3.2 Average Precision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.3.3 R-Precision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.4 Stoplists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.5 Evaluation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.5.1 Statistical Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.5.2 Detailed Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.5.3 Summary of the Detailed Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5 Conclusions 32
A Derivational Rules of Prefix Attachment 34
B The Meaning of Affixations 36
C Word Frequency Analysis 37
D A Stoplist for Bahasa Indonesia 39
ivList of Figures
2.1 The basic design of a Porter stemmer for Bahasa Indonesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.1 Illustration of Paice evaluation methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2 UI x OI plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.1 Document example: kompas document KOMPAS-HL2001-310101-PRES01. . . . . 19
4.2 Query example: query KOMPAS-HL2001-Q-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3 Comparison of Recall-Precision between non stopwords vs. stopwords filtering system. 22
4.4 PR-Curves for kompas Collection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.5 PR-Curves for tempo Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.6 Quantile Plots from Non-interpolated average precision values of Nazief for the
kompas collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
vList of Tables
2.1 Illegal confix pairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Double prefixes order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3 The first cluster of rules which covers the inflectional particles. . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4 The second cluster of rules which covers the inflectional possessive pronouns. . . . 8
2.5 The third cluster of rules which covers the first order of derivational prefixes . . . . 8
2.6 The fourth cluster of rules which covers the second order of derivational prefixes . 8
2.7 The fifth cluster of rules which covers the derivational suffixes . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.8 Examples of syllables in Bahasa Indonesia words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.1 Comparison of two Bahasa Indonesia stemmers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2 Results of stripping inflectional suffixes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.3 Errors in the inflectional suffix stripping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.4 Results of derivational prefix and suffix stripping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.5 Spelling adjustment errors in stripping suffixes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.1 Test-Collection Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.2 Test-Query Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3 Average Precision and R-Precision results of system without and with stoplist
(NoSo and So) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.4 Average Precision and R-Precision results over all queries for the three systems . . 23
4.5 ANOVA Table for Average Precision Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.6 ANOVA Table for R-Precision Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
A.1 Rules and Variation Forms of Prefixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
viB.1 The meaning of affixations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
C.1 Most frequently occur words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
D.1 Suggested stoplist for Bahasa Indonesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
D.2 Most common words in Bahasa Indonesia newspapers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
viiChapter 1
Stemming is a process which provides a mapping of different morphological variants of words
into their base/common word (stem). This process is also known as conflation [10]. Based on the
assumption that terms which have a common stem will usually have similar meaning, the stemming
process is widely used in Information Retrieval as a way to improve retrieval performance. In
addition to its ability to improve the retrieval performance, the stemming process, which is done
at indexing time, will also reduce the size of the index file.
Various stemming algorithms for European languages have been proposed [10, 16, 17, 24, 28, 29,
31, 32]. The designs of these stemmers range from the simplest technique, such as removing suffixes
by using a list of frequent suffixes, to a more complicated design which uses the morphological
structure of the words in the inference process to derive a stem. These algorithms have also been
evaluated in order to examine their effect on the retrieval performance. A good summary of these
evaluation results can be found in [10, 19].
Results of stemming usage in information retrieval are inconsistent. Harman [12], in her experiments with three suffix stripping algorithms for English, reported inconsistent results. Whilst
Krovetz [20] and Hull [15] both reported more favorable results of the stemming usage in English,
especially for short queries. Popovic and Willett [28] reported a significant improvement in retrieval precision for Slovene language which is more complex than English [18]. He also reported
that his control experiments confirmed the results in [12]. Experiments of stemmer usage for other
European languages which are more complex than English, showed an improvement of retrieval
precision and recall [13, 19, 27]. These studies support the hyphothesis in [18] and [27] namely,
that the effectiveness of stemming in an IR systems also depends on the morphological complexity
of the language.
In the case of Bahasa Indonesia, so far there is only one stemming algorithm which is developed
by Nazief and Adriani [23]. This stemming algorithm was developed using a confix stripping
approach with a dictionary look-up. The dictionary is very simple, it consists of a list of lemmas.
The stemming process is done by stripping the shortest possible match of affixes. The dictionary
look-up is performed before each stripping step and the stripping process itself is implemented
However, it is unfortunate that there is no experimental report about the effect of this stemmer on
the retrieval performance. The morphological complexity of Bahasa Indonesia can be considered
simpler than English because it does not recognize tenses, gender and plural forms. It is interesting
to investigate whether the study of stemming effect in Information Retrieval in Bahasa Indonesia
1will also support that hyphotesis. These are main reasons that motivated us to evaluate the
stemming effect in Bahasa Indonesia.
Results of the experiments reported by Ahmad et al. [2] pointed out that dictionary plays an
important role in the stemming process for Malay language. Since Bahasa Indonesia and the Malay
language are very similar, we assume that dictionary also plays an important role in the stemming
process of Bahasa Indonesia. However, based on the fact that resources such as a large digital
dictionary for this language are expensive due to the lack of computational linguistics research,
clearly, there is a practical need for a stemming algorithm without dictionary involvement. From a
scientific point of view, it is also interesting to see whether stemming algorithm without involving
a dictionary would also be effective for Bahasa Indonesia, such as it proved to be for Slovene [28]
and Dutch [19].
This thesis is about a study of stemming algorithms in Bahasa Indonesia, especially their effect on
the information retrieval. We try to evaluate the existing stemmer for Bahasa Indonesia [23] and
compare it with a purely rule-based stemmer, which we created for this purpose. This rule-based
stemmer is developed based on a study of morphological structure of Bahasa Indonesia words. A
summary of the morphological structure of words in Bahasa Indonesia is introduced in Chapter 2.
Chapter 2 also includes the design and the implementation of our rule-based stemmer.
Since the quality of the stemming algorithm in [23] has never been assessed, we conducted an
experiment to evaluate its quality. In this experiment, we chose the Paice evaluation method [25]
and results are given in Chapter 3. In this chapter, we also evaluated the effect of dictionary size
to the quality of the stemmer. This hopefully will answer to what extent the dictionary-based
stemmer can be approximated by a purely rule-based stemmer. It is especially relevant in the
case of developing languages such as Bahasa Indonesia where new words are continuously being
The main task of this thesis is discussed in Chapter 4. In this chapter, the evaluation of stemming
on the retrieval performance is explained in detail. In this evaluation, we used the traditional
Precision/Recall measure. We also performed some detailed evaluations resulting in more concrete
results. Finally, Chapter 5 describes the conclusion of our experiments.
2Chapter 2
A Purely Rule-based Stemmer for
Bahasa Indonesia
The purely rule-based stemmer we developed here is a Porter-like stemmer which is modified for
Bahasa Indonesia. The Porter stemmer was chosen based on the consideration that its basic idea
seems appropriate for the morphological structure of words in Bahasa Indonesia. First, a brief
introduction to the morphological structure of words in Bahasa Indonesia is given, and second
we will explain the mechanism of a Porter stemmer. Last, we will explain the modified Porter
stemmer for Bahasa Indonesia which we used as the comparison in the retrieval evaluation.
2.1 Morphological Structure of Bahasa Indonesia Words
In this section, we discuss the morphological structure of Bahasa Indonesia words which is based
on information in [6, 7, 23, 35]. We also looked at the morphological structure of Malay language
words [1], since Bahasa Indonesia is very similar to Malay language. This discussion includes
prefixes, suffixes, and combinations of them (confixes) in derived words. Although infixes do exist
in Bahasa Indonesia, the number of derived words from these infixes is very small. Because of this
and for the sake of simplicity, infixes will be skipped and ignored. Words that contain an infix will
be considered as they are.
The morphology of Bahasa Indonesia words can comprise both inflectional and derivational structures. Inflectional is the simplest structure which is expressed by suffixes which do not affect the
basic meaning of the underlying root word. These inflectional suffixes can be divided into two
1. Suffixes -lah, -kah, -pun, -tah. These suffixes are actually the particles or functional words
which have no meaning. Their occurrence in words is for emphasizing, examples:
dia + kah ) diakah
(she/he) (he/she - with emphasizing for questioning)
saya + lah ) sayalah
(I) (I - with emphasize)
2. Suffixes -ku, -mu, -nya. These suffixes, which are attached to the words, form the possessive
pronouns, examples:
3tas + mu ) tasmu
(bag) (you) (your bag)
sepeda + ku ) sepedaku
(bicycle) (me) (my bicycle)
Each suffix of groups 1 and 2 may occur in the same word. When they are both present, they
follow a strict order: suffixes of the second group always precede the first group. This ordering
motivates the following definition.
Definition 2.1 The morphological structure of an inflectional word is:
inflectional := (root + possessive_pronouns) |
(root + particle) |
(root + possessive_pronouns + particle)
The attachment of inflectional suffixes to a word/root will not change the spelling of the word/root
in the derived word. In other words, no character in the root/original word is diluted in the derived
word. The root/original word can still be located easily in the derived word.
Just like the Malay language, derivational structures of Bahasa Indonesia consist of prefixes,
suffixes and a pair of combinations of the two [1, 6, 7, 34, 35]. The most frequent prefixes are:
ber-, di-, ke-, meng-, peng-, per-, ter- [34, 35]. The following list shows an example of each prefix:
ber + lari (to run) ) berlari (to run, running)
di + makan (to eat) ) dimakan (to be eaten - passive form)
ke + kasih (to love) ) kekasih (lover)
meng + ambil (to take) ) mengambil (taking)
peng + atur (to arrange) ) pengatur (arranger)
per + lebar (wide) ) perlebar (to make wider)
ter + baca (to read) ) terbaca (can be read, readable)
Some prefixes such as ber-, meng-, peng-, per-, ter- may appear in several different forms. The
form of each of these prefixes depends on the first character of the attached word. Unlike the
inflectional structure, the spelling of the word may be changed when these prefixes are attached.
As an example, take the words menyapu (to sweep, sweeping) which is constructed from the prefix
meng- and the root word sapu (broom, sweeping-brush). The prefix meng- is changed to meny- and
the first character of the root word is diluted. Rules for various forms of these prefix attachments
can be found in Appendix A, Table A.1.
Derivational suffixes are: -i, -kan, -an. Examples of words with these suffixes are:
gula (sugar) + i ) gulai (to put sugar to)
makan (to eat) + an ) makanan (food, something to be eaten)
beri (to give) + kan ) berikan (to give to)
In contrast to prefixes, the attachment of suffixes never changes the spelling of the root in the
derived word.
As mentioned earlier, the derivational structure also recognizes confixes, where a combination of
prefix and suffix attaches together in a word to derive a new word. For example:
4per + main (to play) + an ) permainan (toy, game, thing to be played)
ke + menang (to win) + an ) kemenangan (victory)
ber + jatuh (to fall) + an ) berjatuhan (falling)
meng + ambil (to take) + i ) mengambili (taking repeatedly)
Not all combinations of prefixes and suffixes can be joined together to form a confix. There are
some combinations of prefix and suffix which are not permitted. Table 2.1 shows all of the illegal
Table 2.1: Illegal confix pairs.
Prefix Suffix
ber i
di an
ke ijkan
meng an
peng ijkan
ter an
A prefix/confix can be added to an already confixed/prefixed word, which results in a double prefix
structure. Just like the construction of confixes, not all prefixes/confixes can be added to a certain
confixed/prefixed word to form a double prefix. There exist rules which govern the ordering of
these double prefixes, but there are some exceptions to this rule. Table 2.2 shows these ordering
Table 2.2: Double prefixes order.
Prefix 1 Prefix 2
meng per
di ber
Definition 2.2 The morphological structure of a derivational word:
derivational := prefixed | suffixed | confixed | double_prefix
prefixed := prefix + root
suffixed := root + suffix
confixed := prefix + root + suffix
double_prefix := (prefix + prefixed) | (prefix + confixed) |
(prefix + prefixed + suffix)
The last possibility to derive a new word is by adding the inflectional suffixes to an already prefixed,
suffixed, confixed and even double prefixed word. These forms are the most complex structure in
Bahasa Indonesia. Nazief and Adriani in [23] called these structures multiple suffixes.
From Definition 2.1 and Definition 2.2, the general morphological structure of words in Bahasa
Indonesia can be simplified by Definition 2.3.
5Definition 2.3 The morphological structure of words in Bahasa Indonesia:
[prefix1] + [prefix2] + root + [suffix] + [possesive_pronoun] + [particle]
where [...] means an optional occurrence.
2.2 The Porter Stemming Algorithm
The Porter stemming algorithm is a conflation stemmer which was proposed by Porter [29]. The
algorithm is based on the idea that suffixes in English are mostly made-up of a combination of
smaller and simpler suffixes [26]. The stripping process is performed on a series of steps, specifically
five steps, which simulates the inflectional and derivational process of a word. At each step, a
certain suffix is removed by means of substitution rules. A substitution rule is applied when a
set of conditions/constraints attached to this rule hold. One example of such a condition is the
minimal length (the number of vowel-consonant sequences) of the resulting stem. This minimum
length is called measure [29]. Other simple conditions on the stem can be whether the stem ends
with a consonant, or whether a stem contains a vowel.
When all conditions of a certain rule are satisfied, the rule is applied, which causes the removal of
the suffix and the control moves to the next step. If the conditions of a certain rule in a current
step cannot be met, the conditions of the next rule in that step are tested, until a rule is fired or
the rules in that step are exhausted. This process continues for all five steps.
2.3 Porter Stemmer for Bahasa Indonesia
As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, the Porter stemmer was chosen based on the
consideration that its main idea fits the morphological structure of words in Bahasa Indonesia.
The morphological structure of words in Bahasa Indonesia consists of a combination of smaller
and simpler inflectional and derivational structure, where each is made-up of simpler and smaller
suffixes and/or prefixes. This seems to fit the basic idea of the Porter algorithm. The series of linear
steps in the Porter stemmer, which simulate the inflectional and derivational process of words in
English also fits the derivational and inflectional structure of Bahasa Indonesia (Definition 2.3).
These series of linear steps hopefully will reduce a word with complex structure in Bahasa Indonesia
to a correct stem. The basic design of the Porter stemmer in Bahasa Indonesia is illustrated in
Figure 2.1.
2.3.1 Implementation
Our implementation of the Porter algorithm is based on the English Porter Stemmer developed
by Frakes [10]. This version is more readable because Frakes made a clear separation between
substitution rules and procedures for testing the attachment conditions.
Because English and Bahasa Indonesia come from two different class of languages, some modifi-
cations had to be performed in order to make Porter’s algorithm suitable for Bahasa Indonesia.
The modifications consist of modifications in the cluster of rules and the measure condition. Since
Porter’s algorithm can only do suffix stripping, some additions have to be done also for handling
6Remove Particle
Remove 2nd Order Prefix Remove Suffix
Remove Suffix Remove 2nd Order Prefix
Remove Possesive Pronoun
Remove 1st Order Prefix
fail a rule is fired
a rule is fired
Figure 2.1: The basic design of a Porter stemmer for Bahasa Indonesia.
prefix stripping, confix stripping, and also spelling adjustment in the case where dilution of the
first character of the root word had occurred.
Based on the morphological analysis in Section 2.1, five affix-rule clusters were created for our
Porter stemmer for Bahasa Indonesia. These five clusters are defined by reversing the order in
which the affixes occur in the word formation process (see Definition 2.3). This means that the
inflectional suffixes, i.e. particles and possessive-pronouns, are removed first before the derivational
affixes. The five affix-rule clusters are shown in Table 2.3, Table 2.4, Table 2.5, Table 2.6 and
Table 2.7.
Table 2.3: The first cluster of rules which covers the inflectional particles.
Suffix Replacement Measure Additional Examples
Condition Condition
kah NULL 2 NULL bukukah ! buku
lah NULL 2 NULL adalah ! ada
pun NULL 2 NULL bukupun ! buku
Measure Condition
In order to cope with the spelling of Bahasa Indonesia, the measure condition, which is used in
Porter’s algorithm, is modified. In Bahasa Indonesia, the smallest unit of a word is suku kata
7Table 2.4: The second cluster of rules which covers the inflectional possessive pronouns.
Suffix Replacement Measure Additional Examples
Condition Condition
ku NULL 2 NULL bukuku ! buku
mu NULL 2 NULL bukumu ! buku
nya NULL 2 NULL bukunya ! buku
Table 2.5: The third cluster of rules which covers the first order of derivational prefixes
Prefix Replacement Measure Additional Examples
Condition Condition
meng NULL 2 NULL mengukur ! ukur
meny s 2 V: : :
¤ menyapu ! sapu
men NULL 2 NULL menduga ! duga
menuduh ! uduh
mem p 2 V: : : memilah ! pilah
mem NULL 2 NULL membaca ! baca
me NULL 2 NULL merusak ! rusak
peng NULL 2 NULL pengukur ! ukur
peny s 2 V: : : penyapu ! sapu
pen NULL 2 NULL penduga ! duga
penuduh ! uduh
pem p 2 V: : : pemilah ! pilah
pem NULL 2 NULL pembaca ! baca
di NULL 2 NULL diukur ! ukur
ter NULL 2 NULL tersapu ! sapu
ke NULL 2 NULL kekasih ! kasih
This notation means that the stem starts with a vowel.
Table 2.6: The fourth cluster of rules which covers the second order of derivational prefixes
Prefix Replacement Measure Additional Examples
Condition Condition
ber NULL 2 NULL berlari ! lari
bel NULL 2 ajar belajar ! ajar
be NULL 2 K
er: : : bekerja ! kerja
per NULL 2 NULL perjelas ! jelas
pel NULL 2 ajar pelajar ! ajar
pe NULL 2 NULL pekerja ! kerja
This notation means that the stem starts with a consonant.
(syllable). A syllable comprises at least one vowel. Some examples of the adapted measure for
Bahasa Indonesia can be seen in Table 2.8
The word measure which is designed here cannot capture all the actual measure of words in Bahasa
Indonesia. This is because Bahasa Indonesia also recognizes diphthongs, that is a sequence of two
vowels which is considered as a non-separable vowel. There are ai, au, oi diphthongs, e.g: pantai
(beach) consists of two syllables pan and tai.
These diphthong forms are problematic, especially for the diphthongs ai and oi when they occur
at the end of a word. It is difficult to separate it automatically from derivational words with suffix
-i, such as tandai (to give a sign), which consists of three syllables, i.e. tan, da and i. Since the
8Table 2.7: The fifth cluster of rules which covers the derivational suffixes
Suffix Replacement Measure Additional Examples
Condition Condition
kan NULL 2 prefix 2 f = ke, pengg tarikkan ! tarik
(meng)ambilkan ! ambil
an NULL 2 prefix 2 f = di, meng, terg makanan ! makan
(per)janjian ! janji
i NULL 2 VjK: : : c1c1, c1 =6 s; c2 =6 i and tandai ! tanda
prefix 2 f = ber, ke, pengg (men)dapati ! dapat
pantai ! panta
Table 2.8: Examples of syllables in Bahasa Indonesia words.
Measure Examples Syllables
0 kh, ng, ny kh, ng, ny
1 ma, af, nya, nga ma, af, nya, nga
2 maaf, kami, rumpun kompleks ma-af, ka-mi, rum-pun, kom-pleks
3 mengapa, menggunung, tandai meng-a-pa, meng-gu-nung, tan-da-i
number of words with diphthong is smaller than the number of words with suffix -i, diphthongs
are ignored. This causes words with diphthongs ai/oi to be treated as derivational words. The
last character (-i) will be removed as the result of stemming process.
Based on the raw data collected by Nazief [22] and data from our own experiment of stopwords,
an analysis on syllables in Bahasa Indonesia had also been conducted. This analysis is performed
automatically with manual correction and checking. The result of the analysis showed that most
of root words in Bahasa Indonesia consist of minimum of two syllables. This is the reason that
the minimum length of the stemmed word is two.
Prefix-stripping and Spelling Adjustment
Prefix stripping is handled by treating it just like suffix stripping, with reverse replacement, that is
at the beginning of the word. Since the prefix attachment might in some cases change the spelling
of the attached word, spelling correction/adjustment must be performed. There is a difficulty
in the implementation of the spelling correction since some rules in the derivational structure of
Bahasa Indonesia themselves lead to ambiguity (see Appendix A). For example, take the prefix
meng-, a derived word mengubah (changing) may originate from ubah (to change) or kubah (dome).
Meanwhile the word mengalah (to give up) may originate from kalah (to loose), or alah (to dry
out). Therefore the spelling adjustment for these ambiguity rules are neglected. We realize that
this may lead to overstemming/understemming errors.
The spelling adjustment for non-ambiguous rules are done directly by substituting the prefix with
the proper character for that prefix and its stem. The rules in Table 2.5 and Table 2.6 are ordered
in such a way that the spelling adjustment for each prefix removal can be accommodated properly.
Confix and Double Prefix Stripping
The confix stripping case is handled in the main algorithm by arranging a consecutive sequence
of prefix and suffix replacements. The prefix stripping is always prior to the suffix stripping. An
additional condition is added to check the possibility of a suffix to form a legal confix combination
9with the previously removed prefix. A suffix rule cannot be applied if its additional requirement
is not fulfilled.
By neglecting the inflectional suffixes, there are five possible forms of a derived word, i.e. prefix
only, suffix only, confix word, prefix of an already confixed word, or confix of an already prefixed
word. The first three possibilities actually can be handled by a sequence of prefix and suffix
replacement and the additional condition of legal confixes. The last two possibilities are actually
double prefixes. They can be handled by adding another prefix stripping or confix stripping, which
is dependent on the previous prefix and suffix replacement.
10Chapter 3
Evaluation of the Stemming
Before stemming is used for retrieval purposes, we want to evaluate the quality of the two stemming
algorithms. The purely rule-based stemmer often yields a stem which cannot be considered to
be comprehensible words, especially in Malay [2], while the linguistically-motivated (dictionarybased) stemmer can eliminate most of these errors [2, 17]. Therefore we need to perform an
experiment to compare the quality of those two stemmers. This evaluation will hopefully give
some information of how “good” or “bad” a purely rule-based stemming algorithm is, compared
to a linguistically-motivated stemmer.
3.1 Stemmer Quality Evaluation
Out of various methods to evaluate the quality of a stemmer [10, 24, 25], we chose the Paice
evaluation method [25]. In this evaluation method, the quality of the stemmer is assessed by
counting the number of identifiable errors during the stemming process. The input words from
various samples of texts have to be semantically grouped.
Ideally, a good stemmer will stem all words from the same semantic group to the same stem. But
due to the irregularities which are prominent in all natural languages, all stemmers unavoidably
make mistakes, including the ones which use vocabulary lists. In other words, we might say that
no stemmer can be expected to work perfectly correct.
There will always exist error cases where words which ought to be merged will not be merged to
the same stem (understemming) or cases where words are merged to the same stem while they are
actually distinct (overstemming). A good stemmer should obviously produce as few overstemming
and understemming errors as possible. By counting these errors for a sample of texts, we can gain
some insight in the functioning of a stemmer. A comparison between two different stemmers is
then possible.
113.1.1 The Paice Evaluation Method
Paice [25] defined three classes of relationship between pairs of words. These classes are defined
as follows:
Type 0 Two words are identical in forms, they are already conflated. By ignoring the possibility
of homographs, this kind of word is of no interest.
Type 1 Two words are different in form, but are semantically equivalent.
Type 2 Two words are different in form and are semantically distinct.
Using this relationship definition, a good stemming algorithm is defined as one which can conflate
Type 1 pairs as many as possible, whilst conflating as few Type 2 pairs as possible. Paice then
quantified the understemming and overstemming error using two new parameters called Understemming Index (UI) and Overstemming Index (OI). The Understemming Index (UI) is defined as
the proportion of Type 1 pairs which are unsuccessfully merged by the stemming algorithm. The
Overstemming Index (OI) is defined as the proportion of Type 2 pairs which are merged by the
stemming procedure.
If all words from the sample texts are grouped semantically (as demanded by the definition of
word relationship) then for a certain semantic group g, the desire to merge all of the words within
that group is defined as
DMTg = 0:5 Ng (Ng ¡ 1) (3.1)
where Ng is the number of words in the group g. For a group which contains only one form, the
DMT value for that group is 0 since no pairs can be formed. The desired merge value for all of
the groups in the sample texts is called the Global Desired Merge Total and is defined as:
where ng is the total number of semantic groups in the sample texts.
After the stemming process, all of the words will have been reduced to their stems. In a non-fully
conflated group, there will be more than one form of stem within the group. This means that not
all of the words in that group are conflated to the same stem, the stemming algorithm is unable
to merge those words. The inability of a stemmer to merge all of the words in a certain semantic
group g to the same stem is quantified by a parameter which is called the Unachieved Merge Total,
UMTg = 0:5
(Ng ¡ ngi
); (3.3)
where fg is the number of distinct stems in the semantic group g, and ngi
is the number of words
in that group which are reduced to stem i.
The unachieved merge total value for all groups in the sample text is called the Global Unachieved
Merge Total,
Using Eq. 3.2 and Eq. 3.4, the Understemming Index (UI) can be redefined as follow:
UI =
12A stemmer might transform many pairs of words which originated from different semantic groups
into identical stems. Every stem now defines a stem group whose members might be derived from
a number of different semantic groups. If all items of a certain stem group were derived from
the same original semantic group, then the stem group contains no error; conversely if a certain
stem group contains members which are derived from different semantic groups, this means that
“wrongly-merged” has occurred. The number of these wrongly-mergeds within a certain stem
group s, which contains stems that are derived from fs different original semantic groups, is called
the Wrongly-Merged Total,
WMTs = 0:5
nsi (Ns ¡ nsi); (3.6)
where Ns is the total number of items in the stem group s, nsi
is the number of stems which are
derived from the i
original semantic group. The number of wrongly-merged for all words in the
sample texts after the stemming process is called Global Wrongly-Merged Total,
where ns is the number of stem groups as the results of the stemming.
Every word within a certain semantic group has a possibility to be conflated (by a stemming
algorithm) with words from a different semantic group, which should be avoided. For a certain
group g, this number is called the Desired Non-merged Total,
DNTg = 0:5 Ng(W ¡ Ng) (3.8)
where W is the total number of words in the sample texts. The possible number for the whole
words in the sample texts is called Global Desired Non-Merge Total and defined as:
DNTg (3.9)
Just like the Understemming Index (UI), the Overstemming Index (OI) can be redefined using
Eq. 3.7 and Eq. 3.9 as:
OI =
The ratio between OI and UI is called the Stemming Weight (SW), which is used as the parameter
to measure the strength of a stemmer. This parameter ranges from weak (indicated by a low
value) to strong (indicated by a high value). Figure 3.1 illustrates how this evaluation method
3.1.2 The Paice Experimental Results
The evaluation used sample texts taken from Kamus Elektronik Bahasa Indonesia (KEBI), an
online digital dictionary built by Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi (BPPT), an
Indonesian government organization which is responsible for research and technology development
( This dictionary is chosen because it fulfills the prerequisite of
the Paice evaluation method. In this dictionary, words are linguistically grouped according to
their roots, and the assessment of grouping is done manually. This dictionary consists of 8550
root words and 14200 derivational words. Repetitions, e.g. berlari-lari, were removed because
g2 seko
Original Semantic Groups
Groups Full Words
(a) semantically
grouped words
After stemming
Stemmed Words
(b) after
process, UI=0:6
Reordering Stemmed Words
Stemmed Words Original Sem. Group
(c) reordered stemmed words into
stem group, OI=0:4
Figure 3.1: Illustration of Paice evaluation methods.
they contain a non-word character (‘-’). Homographs were also removed to fulfil the prerequisite
of Paice’s evaluation method, i.e., the input words do not contain duplicates [25].
For a linguistically-motivated stemmer, the dictionary size plays an important role in the stemming
process. Therefore we would also like to know what the effect of the size of the dictionary is
compared to the purely rule-based stemmer, especially in the case of a developing language such
as Bahasa Indonesia, where new words are continuously being adopted from regional or foreign
To see to which extent the size of the dictionary will effect the quality of a dictionary-based stemmer, we have done several experiments by reducing the dictionary size of the Nazief stemmer [23].
Instead of finding some new words, that are not listed in the list of the Nazief stemmer lemmas,
we preferred to reduce the size of that list of lemmas. The deleted lemmas are considered as new
words, which are not recognized by the dictionary. These deleted lemmas are chosen randomly.
The minimum reduction is 10% and the maximum is 90% of the original dictionary size.
The results of the experiments can be seen in Table 3.1. As can be expected, the Nazief stemmer [23], which uses a full dictionary list, performed better than the Porter stemmer. And as can
14be seen from Figure 3.2, the Nazief stemmer resides closer to the origin
than our Porter stemmer.
This is of course an acceptable result, since the Nazief stemmer comes with dictionary with 30528
words, which is larger than the size of the KEBI dictionary. But this size is only 39% of the size
of the complete printed dictionary [8].
Table 3.1: Comparison of two Bahasa Indonesia stemmers.
Stemming Algorithm UI OI£10
Time (ms)
Porter 0:262 8:44 32:27 486
Nazief 0:09 3:60 40:85 741
Nazief (10% reduced) 0:165 3:92 23:75 715
Nazief (20% reduced) 0:31 4:46 14:41 696
Nazief (30% reduced) 0:384 4:52 11:78 668
Nazief (40% reduced) 0:47 4:73 10:17 642
Nazief (50% reduced) 0:55 4:74 8:70 650
Nazief (60% reduced) 0:62 4:71 7:61 635
Nazief (70% reduced) 0:72 3:52 4:89 583
Nazief (80% reduced) 0:82 3:24 3:97 589
Nazief (90% reduced) 0:91 2:13 2:35 564
0 2e-06 4e-06 6e-06 8e-06 1e-05
Figure 3.2: UI x OI plot
Obviously, there are hardly overstemming errors in the linguistically-motivated stemmer (Nazief ).
The experimental results show that the OI values are still low even when the dictionary is already
being reduced. In contrast, our Porter stemmer for Bahasa Indonesia tends to make more overstemming errors. This tendency can be explained by the characteristic of Porter stemmer, i.e., it
removes the first longest matched string at each step. Meanwhile, most of the prefixes and suffixes
forms are substring of each others. For example, the prefix me- is a substring of the prefix memin the word memakan (to eat). Our Porter for Bahasa Indonesia will remove the prefix mem- from
that word and leaves the words akan as a stem, although the correct stem is makan (to eat). This
will be explained in more detail in the Section 3.2.
As the size of the dictionary became smaller, many words were not stemmed by the Nazief stemmer.
1A “good” stemmer will lie closely to the origin.
15Many understemming errors have been made, as shown by the increasing values of UI in Table 3.1.
This means that the Nazief stemmer really depends on the completeness of the dictionary. Since
Bahasa Indonesia is in its development such that it keeps adapting new words, a complete digital
dictionary can be considered as something expensive. Considering this fact and the result of this
experiment, the usage of linguistically-motivated stemmer, such as Nazief stemmer, in Bahasa
Indonesia for practical purposes is questionable. We still need to find out whether the linguisticallymotivated stemmer can be useful such that it can improve the retrieval performance.
3.2 Error Analysis
Our error analysis is conducted by analyzing the results of both stemmers for each type of word
structures, i.e., the inflectional structure and the derivational structure.
3.2.1 Inflectional Structure
Both stemmers perform well for stripping the inflectional suffixes from a word. In most cases,
they stripped inflectional words correctly. Table 3.2 shows some results of stripping inflectional
Table 3.2: Results of stripping inflectional suffixes.
Words Stems Inflectional Suffix 1 Inflectional Suffix 2
Porter bukunya buku (book) nya -
bukukah buku -
bukunyakah buku nya kah
dibukukannya dibukukan nya -
Nazief bukunya buku (book) nya -
bukukah buku -
bukunyakah buku nya kah
dibukukannya dibukukan nya -
There were some cases when errors emerged in our Porter stemmer. These cases arose because
there exist a word w, which comprises of two substrings w1 and w2. The substring w1 consists of
more than two syllables and w2 2 finflectional suffixesg. The stemmer mistakenly stemmed the
substring w2, which is actually part of the root word of w. The most frequent cases especially
happened if there was a prefix attached to the root word of w. In other word, the substring w1
contains a prefix. Examples of these cases are shown in Table 3.3.
The Nazief stemmer may also produce the same kind of error stems, although correct stems were
listed in its dictionary. Similar with the Porter, these errors occurred when a word comprise of
substrings w1 and w2, where w2 2 finflectional suffixesg and w1 contains prefix and a word which
is included in the dictionary (see Table 3.3).
3.2.2 Derivational Structure
For this structure, our Porter stemmer produces more errors compared to the Nazief stemmer for
the same input words. Some examples are shown in Table 3.4. The causes of these errors can be
divided into three categories.
16Table 3.3: Errors in the inflectional suffix stripping.
Words Prefix Stem Inflectional Actual Root
Porter bersekolah (school) ber seko (spy) lah sekolah (school)
majalah (magazine) - maja (kind of tree) lah majalah (magazine)
Nazief bersekolah (school) ber seko lah sekolah (school)
The first error category is occurred if there is a substring w in a root, such that w 2 fprefixesg [
fderivational suffixesg and the root consists of more than two syllables. Examples of this type of
error are listed in the first two rows of Porter part in Table 3.4.
The second error category is caused by the stripping mechanism, i.e., the removal of the longest
possible match. This mechanism causes errors since most of the prefixes and suffixes are substrings
of each other. For example, the prefix meng- with its various forms viz. me-, men-, mem-, meny-,
and meng-, are substrings of each others. Suffixes -kan and -an are substrings one of each other
even though one of them is not the various form of the other. The last three rows of Porter part
in Table 3.4 show this kind of error. The Nazief stemmer also suffers from this kind of error, but
it is because of its shortest possible match. In the case of the Nazief stemmer, this case happened
especially with the infixes -an and -kan (the last rows of Table 3.4).
The last type of errors occurred because of the difficulty in the implementation of derivational
rules for Bahasa Indonesia, that contain ambiguities. Both stemmers suffer from this kind of
errors, but of course the Porter stemmer suffers more than the Nazief stemmer. Some examples
of these errors are shown in Table 3.5.
Table 3.4: Results of derivational prefix and suffix stripping.
Stemmer Words Prefix Stem Suffix Actual Root
Porter naluri (instinct) - nalur i naluri
perahu (boat) per ahu - perahu
bentrokan (clash) - bentro kan bentrok (to clash)
perbaikan (improvement) per bai kan baik (good)
berkedudukan (located) ber kedudu kan duduk (to sit)
Nazief naluri (instinct) - naluri - naluri
perahu (boat) - perahu - perahu
bentrokan (clash) - bentrok an bentrok
perbaikan (improvement) per baik an baik
berkedudukan (located) ber keduduk (a kind of plant) an duduk
Table 3.5: Spelling adjustment errors in stripping suffixes.
Words Prefix Stem Derivational Actual
Suffix Root
mengalahkan (defeating) meng alah kan kalah (to defeat)
mengobarkan (to fire someone up) meng obar kan kobar (to inspire)
mengupas (peeling) meng upas (security guard) - kupas (to peel)
17Chapter 4
Stemmer Performance Evaluation
for Information Retrieval
In this chapter we evaluate the performance of the two stemmers introduced before in the setting
of Information Retrieval. We used a non-stemming system as the baseline of this evaluation. In
the next four sections, we explain the environments of the experiments. Results and an analysis
of the evaluation are given in Section 4.5.
4.1 The Test Collections
4.1.1 The Document Collections
Since there is no document collection in Bahasa Indonesia available in standard collections such
as the TREC collection and the CLEF collection, we setup our own collections. We took our documents from two sources, Kompas, an Indonesian daily online newspaper (,
and Tempo, an Indonesian daily online news ( From these two sources
we created two document collections, viz. kompas and tempo. The kompas collection is a two-years
headline edition (that is from January 2001 until December 2002). And the tempo collection is
also a two-years edition (that is from June 2000 until July 2002). Table 4.1 shows the statistics
of each collection.
Table 4.1: Test-Collection Statistics
kompas tempo
size (MB) 27:52 45:57
] of documents 5449 22944
avg. docs length (byte) 4031:00 1549:59
avg. unique words (terms) 326:09 155:00
Both document collections have been parsed in order to remove all of the HTML tags. These
collections have also been transformed into an SGML-like structure. The format follows the
overall TREC document structure with two main considerations, viz. easy parsing, so that these
documents can easily be used for the purpose of this experiment and for the future expectation,
18such that these document collections can help further IR research in Bahasa Indonesia. An example
of a document from the kompas collection can be seen in Figure 4.1. Manual correction has also
been performed to all these document collections.
<DOCID> KOMPAS−HL2001−310101−PRES01 </DOCID>
Presiden Bantah Terlibat
Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid membantah terlibat dalam penyelewengan dana
Yayasan Bina Sejahtera (Yanatera) Badan Urusan Logistik (Bulog)
Figure 4.1: Document example: kompas document KOMPAS-HL2001-310101-PRES01.
4.1.2 The Information Requests (Queries)
Both document collections are accompanied with a set of information requests (queries) that are
used for the evaluation purposes. Each query is a description of an information need, which is
constructed in natural language. The queries construction was done manually by two University
of Amsterdam students whose native language is Bahasa Indonesia.
The queries covers widely known events, which had happened in Indonesia during the year each
collection covers. Some queries in the kompas and tempo collections are about the same topics.
Queries in the kompas are created such that they are longer than queries in the tempo. We
also fixed the number of queries for each document collection to 35, since this number exceeds
the minimum number of topics which are needed for an experiment within the TREC general
consensus [5]. The statistics of the queries can be found in Table 4.2.
The queries were also written in an SGML-like format to allow easy access for the purpose of the
experiments and for the purpose of defining the relevant sets. The format, which includes a clear
description of each query, should help the assessors determine the relevant documents. Figure 4.2
shows an example of a query from the kompas collection.
4.1.3 Relevant Documents for Every Information Request
The set of relevant documents for each query is constructed manually by the student that created
the query. This manual way is chosen because the collections size are not huge, which makes it
possible to do so.
The set of these relevant documents are assessed again by the second student which resulted
in a double checking relevant sets. In the case that these two assessors have different opinions
about the relevance of a certain document for a certain query, the document is then considered as
TKI ilegal di Malaysia </TITLE>
(TKI/TKW) ilegal di Malaysia
Masalah Tenaga Kerja Indonesia
Dokumen berisi berita seputar masalah tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI/TKW) ilegal
di Malaysia yang mencuat karena adanya pemberlakuan hukum baru bagi para tenaga
kerja ilegal tersebut. Berita pemulangan tenaga kerja ilegal dan
usaha Pemerintah RI
dalam hal pemulangan tenaga kerja ilegal asal Indonesia.
Termasuk juga catatan
pengamat tentang masalah tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI/TKW), terutama masalah TKI
di Malaysia akibat pemberlakuan hukum baru tersebut.
Figure 4.2: Query example: query KOMPAS-HL2001-Q-2.
non-relevant. The statistics of the relevant sets for kompas and tempo collections can be seen in
Table 4.2.
Table 4.2: Test-Query Statistics
kompas tempo
] of queries 35 35
avg. queries length (word) 8:777 5:2
avg. ] unique words 8:63 5:17
avg. ] of relevant docs per query 22:657 66:971
4.2 The FlexIR System
All our experiments used the FlexIR information retrieval system. FlexIR is an automatic information retrieval system built at the Universiteit van Amsterdam. This system is based on the
vector space model [3] and implemented in Perl [21]. It supports many types of scoring, such as
Precision/Recall, Average Precision and R-Precision which were used in this evaluation.
The original design of this system is dedicated for Western-European languages such as English.
Therefore some modifications have been performed in order to use the system for Bahasa Indonesia.
The weighting scheme is the Lnu.ltc scheme [4, 33], fixing the slope to 0:2 and setting the pivot
to the average number of unique words per document as in [21].
204.3 Performance Measurements
4.3.1 Precision/Recall
The traditional Average Precision-Recall measure is used because it is the standard measurement
and it is used extensively in the literature [3, 10, 30]. Recall is the proportion of relevant items
retrieved, while precision is the proportion of retrieved items that are relevant. Equation 4.1 gives
the specific definition of these two measurements.
recall =
precision =
where Nrr is the number of relevant items retrieved, Nrel
is the number of relevant items and Nret
is the number of retrieved items.
The P-R measurement is based on the average precision at certain recall levels. By assuming that
a certain recall level must be attained for every query, the best retrieval system is the one that
attains this recall level with the fewest number of non-relevant documents (the highest precision).
Although there are some critics of using this measurement [3, 14], from our point of view, this
measurement is a nice tool for macro-evaluation of the retrieval systems.
4.3.2 Average Precision
The Average Precision is a single value summary. For a certain query, it is computed by averaging
all precision values for that query at the relevant document position in the ranking. From its
definition, it can be seen that this measurement represents the entire area underneath the recallprecision curve. It is also recommended to be used as a measurement in the general purposes
retrieval evaluation [5].
4.3.3 R-Precision
The R-Precision is also a single value summary. It is calculated by computing the precision after
R documents have been retrieved, where R is the total number of relevant documents for the
current evaluated query. This measurement is used, because our document collections consist of
a large variety in the number of relevant documents [19].
4.4 Stoplists
To complete the IR environment, we also propose in this thesis, a new stoplist for Bahasa Indonesia
(see Appendix D), because there is no available stoplist for Bahasa Indonesia which can be used.
The proposed stoplist is derived from the results of the analysis of word frequencies in Bahasa
Indonesia (see Appendix C). It is compared to the result of computational linguistics research in
Bahasa Indonesia [22] and with the stoplist in [9].
21Before using the the proposed stoplist in the evaluation of stemming effect to retrieval performance,
we conducted some experiments to evaluate our stoplist. In these experiments, two systems (for
each document collection) were evaluated, viz. the IR system without using either stemmer and
stoplist (NoSo) and the IR system with stoplist only (So).
The results of these experiments are depicted in Figure 4.3 and Table 4.3. For both document
collections, the results show that the removal of these stopwords can enhance the precision, especially at low recall levels although not significant. Therefore we can say that the proposed stoplist
can be used in the further retrieval evaluation.
Table 4.3: Average Precision and R-Precision results of system without and with stoplist (NoSo
and So)
NoSo So
kompas tempo kompas tempo
avg. precision 0:7015 0:5251 0:7101 0:5329
R-Precision 0:6542 0:5168 0:6649 0:5252
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
(a) NoSo vs. So for kompas
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
(b) NoSo vs. So for tempo
Figure 4.3: Comparison of Recall-Precision between non stopwords vs. stopwords filtering system.
4.5 Evaluation Results
This section describes the experiments which we conducted for evaluating the stemmers effect on
the retrieval performance in Bahasa Indonesia. We used all the retrieval environments which have
been described in the previous sections. In this evaluation, we contrast the two stemmers with
a baseline of no stemming at all. Therefore there are three systems which were evaluated, viz.
no stemming at all (NoSm), the Nazief stemmer (Nazief), and our Porter stemmer for Bahasa
Indonesia (Porter).
The result of the experiments (for each document collection) can be seen in Figure 4.4, Figure 4.5,
and Table 4.4. As can be examined from those two figures and table, the differences of the
performance values between the three systems are very small and the results for both document
collections show an inconsitency between the stemming systems and the non-stemming system.
Therefore at this point we cannot make any conclusion based on the difference of these values.
22Table 4.4: Average Precision and R-Precision results over all queries for the three systems
NoSm Porter Nazief
kompas tempo kompas tempo kompas tempo
avg. precision 0:7101 0:5329 0:7086 0:5456 0:7026 0:5464
R-Precision 0:6649 0:5252 0:6574 0:5403 0:6563 0:5383
In this situation, Hull [15] suggested to perform a statistical testing, which can provide valuable
evidence about whether the experimental results have a more general significant differences. The
statistical testing and its results are described in Sub Section 4.5.1.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
(a) NoSm vs. Porter
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
(b) NoSm vs. Nazief
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
(c) Porter vs. Nazief
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
(d) NoSm vs. Porter vs. Nazief
Figure 4.4: PR-Curves for kompas Collection.
4.5.1 Statistical Testing
The statistical testing which we conducted here follows the procedure in [14]. The standard
statistical model for a certain query and a certain retrieval method is defined as
yij = ¹ + ®i + ¯j + ²ij (4.2)
where yij is the observed data corresponds to the retrieval performance for query i and method
j, ¹ is the true mean performance, ®i
is the query effect, ¯j is the retrieval method effect, and
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
(a) NoSm vs. Porter
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
(b) NoSm vs. Nazief
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
(c) Porter vs. Nazief
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
(d) NoSm vs. Porter vs. Nazief
Figure 4.5: PR-Curves for tempo Collection
²ij is the error. The query effect ®i and the method effect ¯j are assumed to be independent and
The Null Hypothesis (H0), which is tested, is that the observed stemmer methods are in equal
performances. If the p-value is very small, then evidence suggests that the observed statistics
reflect an underlying difference between the stemmers.
Because there were three stemmers to be evaluated, the two-way ANOVA is used [14, 15, 36]. In
the ANOVA, the F-test for ¯j = 0 for all j is defined as
F =
(¯yj ¡ y)
m ¡ 1
(yi;j ¡ y¯i ¡ y¯j + ¯y)
(n ¡ 1)(m ¡ 1)
! (4.3)
where yi;j is the observed data, which corresponds to the retrieval performance of method j =
[1 : : : m] for query i = [1 : : : n] (m and n are the number of stemmers and queries respectively).
The value ¯yi
is the average performance of a query i over all methods, while ¯yj is the average
performance of a method j over all queries. MSbet:stem and MSresidual are the mean square
between stemmers and the residual errors.
If the F-test is significant (identified by the very small p-value), then the ANOVA multiple comparison is used. The ANOVA multiple comparison is Tukey’s studentized range test distribution
24under H0 which is defined as:
jy¯k ¡ y¯l
j »
where q
is the studentized range statistic for v = (n ¡ 1)(m ¡ 1) at significant level ® and
s =
MSE (Mean Squared Error). All mean differences between method k (¯yk) with method l
(¯yl) that are greater than the value at the right-hand side of Eq. 4.4 are assumed to be significant.
In order to convince ourselves of using the two-way ANOVA, we tested the data by making a
quantile plot. One of the example of the quantile plot for data from the Non-interpolated average
precision values of the Nazief stemmer can be seen in Figure 4.6(a). The quantile plot shows that
the data are skewed. Therefore we transformed the data using the function f(x) = arcsin(
x) as
suggested in [14]. As can be seen from Figure 4.6(b), the transformed data already follows the
normal distribution, therefore these data could be used for the ANOVA analysis.
KOMPAS Non-interpolated agv. prec with Nazief Stemmer







Std. Dev = .23

Mean = .71

N = 35.00

KOMPAS Non-interpolated avg. prec. with Nazief stemmer

Observed Value


Expected Normal Value






(a) The original Non-interpolated average precision values
KOMPAS Non-interpolated avg. prec. with Nazief stemmer








Std. Dev = .30

Mean = 1.04

N = 35.00

KOMPAS Non-interpolated avg. prec. with Nazief stemmer

Observed Value


Expected Normal Value








(b) The transformed Non-interpolated average precision values
Figure 4.6: Quantile Plots from Non-interpolated average precision values of Nazief for the kompas
25Table 4.5: ANOVA Table for Average Precision Measurement
Doc. Coll Source Sum of Sq. df Mean of Sq. F p
kompas Stemmer 0:0016 2 0:0008 0:3481 0:7072
Query 8:6742 34 0:2551 112:2208 6:99485E ¡ 48
Residual 0:1546 68 0:0022
tempo Stemmer 0:0053 2 0:0027 2:3298 0:1050
Query 6:4746 34 0:1904 167:4948 1:13734E ¡ 53
Residual 0:0773 68 0:0011
Table 4.6: ANOVA Table for R-Precision Measurement
Doc. Coll Source Sum of Sq. df Mean of Sq. F p
kompas Stemmer 0:0021 2 0:0010 0:4455 0:6424
Query 7:5064 34 0:2208 94:6643 1:93728E ¡ 45
Residual 0:1586 68 0:0023
tempo Stemmer 0:0054 2 0:0027 2:6641 0:0769
Query 5:1979 34 0:1529 151:2662 3:41583E ¡ 52
Residual 0:0687 68 0:0010
The ANOVA tables of our experiments for average precision and R-precision performance can be
seen in Table 4.5 and Table 4.6. By taking p-value less than 0:05 for rejecting the H0, from the
ANOVA results of the stemmers effect for both document collections, we can say that we accept
the H0. This means we accept that the three systems are equal in the average precision and
R-Precision performance.
Since the statistical test was unable to detect the significant difference, we conducted a detailed
analysis by examining a number of individual queries and their stems to gain more information
about why the significance tests failed. This detailed analysis is explained in Sub Section 4.5.2
4.5.2 Detailed Analysis
At this point, it was not clear to us why the statistical test was unable to detect a significant
difference between the three systems. Therefore we conducted a detailed analysis of some queries
by examining their stem results and some of the retrieved documents within those queries. We
used the queries from both document collections and discuss several cases where the performance
of one system is equals or outperforms the other two systems.
kompas Q.1: “Kasus penyalahgunaan dana Yanatera Bulog dan Memorandum DPR”
The fraud of Yanatera Bulog Budget and Parliament’s Memorandum
The Nazief stemmer did not recognize that the words penyalahgunaan (fraud), disalahgunakan
(misuse - passive form), and menyalahgunakan (misuse) are related. It also did not recognize that
these words are also related to the phrase/compound salah gunakan and salah guna. Penyalahgunaan is a compound word. This compound is originated from the phrase/compound salah guna.
This kind of compound is a phenomenon that might exist in Bahasa Indonesia, because there is
a rule which governs the phrase with both prefix and suffix to be written unseparately [6]. Since
the stem salahguna is not in its lexicon, it did not stem any words in this query, such that its
26performance is equal to the non-stemming system.
Our Porter stemmer converted the derivational compound penyalahgunaan, menyalahgunakan,
and disalahgunakan to the same stem salahguna. The usage of this stem made more relevant
documents being retrieved so that its performance is better than that of the two other systems.
But without further splitting, it also failed to recognize that those compounds are also related to
the phrase salah gunakan and salah guna.
kompas Q.2: “Kasus kerusuhan antar agama di Poso dan penanganannya”
Religious conflict in Poso and its solution
Both Nazief and Porter stemmer converted the word penanganannya (the process of handling)
to tangan (hand). This conversion is a bad decision since the word tangan is a common word
in Bahasa Indonesia. This word can be combined with various words to form compound words,
such as campur tangan (involvement), tanda tangan (signature), which are contained in many
documents in this collection. Both stemmers also converted the word kerusuhan (turmoil) to
rusuh (restless). This conversion is unhelpful since the resulting word rusuh is an adjective which
is considered as non-important term for information retrieval. Therefore the performance of both
stemming systems are below the non-stemming system.
kompas Q.3: “Pelaksanaan sidang istimewa MPR meminta pertanggungjawaban Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid. Dekrit Presiden”
The extraordinary session of People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) to ask President’s responsibility. The Decree of President
Just in the case of kompas Q.1, the Nazief stemmer failed to recognize that the compound words
pertanggungjawaban (responsibility), mempertanggungjawabkan (to account for) and dipertanggungjawabkan (to account for - passive form) are related to the phrase bertanggung jawab (to
be responsible) and tanggung jawab (responsibility). Since the stem tanggungjawab is not in its
lexicon, it left the word pertanggungjawaban as it is. However, it successfully recognized that the
words pelaksanaan (implementation), melaksanakan (to perform), dilaksanakan (being performed),
and pelaksana (executor) are related and stemmed them to one stem that is laksana. The usage
of this stem could pull out more relevant documents such that its performance is better than the
non-stemming systems.
The Porter stemmer successfully recognized that the words pertanggungjawaban, mempertanggungjawabkan, dipertanggungjawabkan are related. It stemmed them to the same stem tanggungjawab,
but without further splitting process, it failed to recognized that those compounds are also related
to the phrase bertanggung jawab and tanggung jawab. Therefore it gained only small benefit. Just
as the Nazief stemmer, our Porter stemmer also recognized that words pelaksanaan, pelaksana,
melaksanakan and dilaksanakan are related and stemmed them to laksana. The usage of these two
stems made its performance outperform the other two systems.
kompas Q.4: “Konflik bersenjata Aceh, Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) dan penanganannya”
Armed conflict in Aceh, Free Aceh Movement and its solution
The Nazief stemmer converted the word gerakan (movement) to gerak (to move), where actually
the word gerakan is part of an organization name (proper name) and should not be converted.
27Similar to the case of kompas Q.2, it converted penanganan to tangan. The Porter stemmer also
converted the part of the organization name Gerakan to gera, and merdeka to erdeka which should
not be converted. It also converted the word penanganan to tangan. The usage of these stems
decreased the performance of both stemmers.
kompas Q.5: “Konflik antar etnis Madura-Dayak di Kalimantan”
Madura-Dayak ethnics clashes in Kalimantan
All three systems have the same retrieval performance. The Nazief stemmer did not stem any of
the words in this query. The Porter stemmer incorrectly stemmed the word Kalimantan (the name
of Borneo island) to Kalimant, but since the word Kalimant does not exist in Bahasa Indonesia,
this did not hurt its performance.
kompas Q.7: “Kasus penyalahgunaan dana nonbudgeter Bulog yang melibatkan Akbar
The fraud of nonbudgeter budget of Bulog which involves Akbar Tanjung
As in the case of kompas Q.1, the Nazief stemmer did not stem the derivational compound word
penyalahgunaan, whilst our Porter stemmer stemmed it to salahguna. The Nazief stemmer wisely
recognized that the word melibatkan (involving), terlibat (involved) and keterlibatan (involvement)
are related and stemmed them to the same stem libat (to involve). Just like Nazief stemmer, our
Porter stemmer also recognized that those words except keterlibatan are related. In this case, it
suffered from understemming error by converting the word keterlibatan to terlibat. But the Nazief
stemmer did not gain great benefit since the resulting stem libat is a verb. As verbs cannot be
considered as important terms, therefore its performance is slightly lower than our Porter stemmer,
but it is still better than the non-stemming system.
kompas Q.9: “Kasus penculikan dan pembunuhan ketua Presidium Dewan Papua
(PDP) Theys Eluay”
The kidnapping and the murder case of the head of Papua Council Presidium, Theys Eluay
Both the Nazief and Porter stemmer relate the word penculikan (kidnapping) with the words
menculik (to kidnap), diculik (being kidnapped) and penculik (kidnapper) and stem them to culik
(to kidnap) which is a verb. Both stemmers also relate the word pembunuhan (murder) with the
words membunuh (to kill), dibunuh (killed), and pembunuh (killer/murderer) and stem them to
bunuh (to kill).
This conversion turned out to be an unwise decision, due to the fact that both resulting stems are
verbs which cannot be considered as important term for information retrieval. Also the document
collection contains many stories about murder and kidnapping which were done by the Free Papua
Movement (OPM). Therefore the performance of both stemming systems are below the nonstemming system.
kompas Q.18: “Kasus pengambilalihan Semen Padang”
The take over of Semen Padang
This is the same case as kompas Q.3, where the word pengambilalihan (process of taking over) is
supposed to be converted to ambil alih (to take over) such that it can be related to other words, i.e.
28mengambil alih (taking over), diambil alih (took over - passive form). The Nazief stemmer could
not stem this query, which caused the stemmed query to be equal to the non-stemmed version.
The Porter stemmer converted it to ambilalih which is not recognized in Bahasa Indonesia except
if it is splitted. Therefore the performance of the three systems are equal.
kompas Q.23: “Perubahan Undang Undang Dasar 1945 menyangkut pemilihan presiden langsung”
The amendment of 1945 State Constitution in the view of direct presidential election act
Both Nazief and Porter stemmers converted the word perubahan (alteration) to ubah (to change),
which is a very common term. The word perubahan in the phrase “Perubahan Undang Undang”
has a specific meaning in the domain of law, which usually associated to the word amendment.
Therefore their performance were lower than the non-stemming system.
kompas Q.25: “Kasus penangkapan tiga warga negara Indonesia Tamsil Linrung, Agus
Dwikarna dan Abdul Jamal Balfas di Filipina”
The arrest of three Indonesians, Tamsil Linrung, Agus Dwikarna and Abdul Jamal Balfas, in
All the three systems have the same performance for this query. As we can see, that this query
contains many specific names. The usage of specific names might be the cause that the three
systems have equal performance.
kompas Q.31: “Kasus peledakan bom yang terjadi di Bali”
The Bali bombing blast
Both Nazief and Porter stemmer converted the word peledakan (blast, explotion) to ledak (to blast,
to explode). Both stemmers do not get benefit from this conversion, since the resulting stem is a
verb which cannot be considered as important term for information retrieval. Even, it seems to
decrease their performance. The Nazief stemmer also converted the word Bali to bal (ball). Since
bal is in its lexicon, it also converts Balkan to the same stem. Therefore some of the retrieved
documents also contain the story of Balkan. This worsens its performance.
kompas Q.32: “Kasus kontak senjata antara anggota TNI AD dengan Kepolisian di
The armed conflict between Indonesian army and Indonesian police force in Binjai
The Nazief and our Porter stemmer both converted the word Kepolisian (police force) to polisi
(police). The word kepolisian is a specific word which is related to the police organization. This
conversion made the performance of Nazief and Porter stemmer both lower than the non-stemming
29kompas Q.34: “Kasus sengketa Sipadan dan Ligitan antara Indonesia-Malaysia”
The dispute between Indonesia and Malaysia over Sipadan and Ligitan islands
This is the same case as queries kompas Q.5 and kompas Q.6, except that our Porter stemmer
incorrectly converted the word Sipadan to sipad (ear) and the word Ligitan to ligit. But these two
terms did not decrease the performance of our Porter stemmer since the word sipad, which comes
from Javanese, is rarely used, and sipad is not recognized in Bahasa Indonesia.
tempo Q.1: “Kenaikan harga dan subsidi BBM”
The increase of oil prices and oil’s subsidy
Both Nazief and our Porter stemmer stemmed the word kenaikan (increase) to naik (to increase).
This resulting stem is a verb and is a very common term in Bahasa Indonesia. Therefore the
usage of this stem made the performance of both Nazief and our Porter stemmer lower than the
non-stemming system.
tempo Q.2: “Konflik bersenjata di Aceh”
Armed conflict in Aceh
Both Nazief and our Porter stemmer converted the word bersenjata (armed) to senjata (weapon)
which is a noun. The usage of this stem can pulled out many relevant documents such that the
performance of both stemming systems are better than the non-stemming system. Compare to
the Query kompas Q.4 from the kompas collection, this query is shorter and contains less proper
name. The results of both queries show that both stemming systems have better performance for
this query than for the Query kompas Q.4.
tempo Q.3: “Penyelewengan dana nonbudgeter Bulog”
The fraud of nonbudgeter budget of Bulog
Both Nazief and our Porter stemmer converted the word penyelewengan (fraud) to seleweng (to
deceive). This conversion turned out to be an unwise decision, since the documents collection
contains many stories about corruption in Indonesia.
tempo Q.4: ”Kasus Buloggate (dana Yanatera) dan Bruneigate”
Buloggate (Yanatera budget) and Bruneigate
All the three systems have the same retrival performance. Both Nazief and our Porter stemmer
did not stem any words in this query.
tempo Q.18: “Kecelakaan pesawat Cassa NC-212 di Irian Jaya”
Airplane Cassa NC-212 crashed in Irian Jaya
Both Nazief and our Porter stemmer converted the word kecelakaan (crash, accident) to celaka
(unfortunate). This conversion can be considered as unwise decision, since the stem celaka is an
adjective which cannot be considered to be helpful in pulling-out more relevant documents. Even
it makes the performance of the two stemming systems are below the non-stemming system.
304.5.3 Summary of the Detailed Analysis
We found that the linguistically correct stems, which are produced either by the linguisticallymotivated stemmer or by the rule-based stemmer, may not be optimal for retrieval purposes. In
this case, the stemming process is harmful.
Similar to what happened in English and Dutch [15, 17, 20], we found many examples where the
rule-based stemmer, such as the Porter stemmer, produced non-comprehensible words. Because
the morphological rules in Bahasa Indonesia contain many ambiguities, the rule-based stemmer
without using any additional knowledge might produce many more non-comprehensible words
than rule-based stemmers for other languages. Here, our Porter stemmer produced 11:8% noncomprehensible words in stemming all of words in the queries of kompas collection.
From the query analysis, we found examples where the linguistically-motivated stemmer, such as
the Nazief stemmer, undesireably stems some words to a word with a very different meaning, even
though it is already accompanied by a lexicon.
From our detailed analysis of queries, we found that words which were stemmed have very small
number of variations. The average number of derivational variations of a certain word (excluding proper name) from all queries is only about 4:135. This is very small compared to Slovene
language [27]. We also found that the number of inflectional and derivational affixes which are
handled with these two stemmers are very small compared to the number of affixes which are
handled in the Slovone stemmer [28], the Dutch stemmer [17] and the Porter stemmer [29]. Recall
to the purpose of stemming as morphological normalization, a stemmer which handles a small
number of affixes should also gain a small number of benefit in retrieval performance. This may
be the cause of the non-significant difference in performance of both stemming systems compared
with the non-stemming system in our experiments.
From analysis of the results of stemming all words in the queries of both documents collections,
we see that most of the resulting stemmed words are verbs and adjectives. As verbs and adjectives
are less important term for index or search keys than nouns in information retrieval, this might
also be the cause that our experiment results show non-significant differences between stemming
systems and the non-stemming system.
We can also see that some of the queries consist of derivational compound words.
These derivational compound words are not recognized by the Nazief stemmer, hence it did not stem them
and left them as they were. In this case the performance of the Nazief stemmer equals to that
of the non-stemming system. Whilst for the Porter stemmer, although it could stem these words
correctly, it could not get any benefits from it, unless they were further splitted.
Similar to what happened in English [15], stemming process seems to give more benefit for short
queries. This can be seen from the results of both documents collections. Although the results
of the experiments of stemming and non-stemming systems are not statistically significant, the
performance of stemming experiments with the tempo collection which has shorter queries is better
than the experiments with the kompas collection.
We found that some of the queries do not need to be stemmed at all. For the kompas collection,
the number of this kind of queries are about 29% of all queries. We also found that many of the
queries consist of many proper names which are left untouched by both stemmers. These also
made the performance of all three systems are equal.
1These derivational compound words are exist in Bahasa Indonesia. As stated before, there is a rule which
governs the compound words (phrase) to be written unseparated if there is a prefix attached to the first word and
a suffix attached to the second word. If only prefix or suffix attached to the first or second word, then they should
be written separately.
31Chapter 5
After several evaluations of the effet of stemming on retrieval performance in Bahasa Indonesia,
we reach a number of conclusions:
1. Our Porter stemmer for Bahasa Indonesia produces many non-comprehensible words which
are caused by the ambiguity in the morphological rules of Bahasa Indonesia. In some cases
the errors do not hurt performance, but in other cases they decrease the performance. Extending it with a digital dictionary is somewhat a dilemma since a digital dictionary is
expensive. In further research, extending the rule-based stemmer with words co-occurence
may give better results.
2. Such as in English, the linguistically-motivated stemmer which is developed by Nazief for
Bahasa Indonesia, posses two main problems. First, the ability of the stemmer depends
on the size of the dictionary. It cannot stem a word which is not in its lexicon. Second,
a linguistically correct stems which is produced by this kind of stemmer does not always
optimal for the purpose of information retrieval application. Therefore, if it is to be used
for IR, this linguistically motivated stemmer should be enhanced with other tool such as
domain linguistic analysis or adding a domain specific lexicon.
3. Derivational compounds in Bahasa Indonesia seems to need special treatment in order to
get benefit from stemming. Further morphological research needs to be conducted to see
whether compound splitting is needed for information retrieval. The derivational compound
in Bahasa Indonesia is not as common as in Dutch, and it can only be useful if it is combined
with a stemmer. And also a more complex IR system, which recognizes phrases, is required.
4. From our detailed analysis of queries, we found that words which were stemmed have very
small number of variations. The average number of derivational variations of a certain word
(excluding proper name) from all queries is only about 4:135. This is very small compared
to Slovene language [27]. We also found that the number of inflectional and derivational
affixes which are handled with these two stemmers are very small compared to the number
of affixes which are handled in the Slovone stemmer [28], the Dutch stemmer [17] and the
Porter stemmer [29]. Recall to the purpose of stemming as morphological normalization,
a stemmer which handles a small number of affixes should also gain a small number of
benefit in retrieval performance. This may be the cause of the non-significant difference
in performance of both stemming systems compared with the non-stemming system in our
5. Failure of the statistical significance test in our experiment to detect significant difference
does not necessarily mean that there is no difference between systems [14]. We realized that
32our corpora are far from perfect due to the fact that these corpora are created and judged
only by two persons. We also know that our queries were formulated such that they contain
many proper names. Therefore tests on a number of different other corpora (collections) are
needed to be performed further.
33Appendix A
Derivational Rules of Prefix
Table A.1: Rules and Variation Forms of Prefixes
Prefix Variation Form Rules
meng meng + Voweljkjgjh. . . , e.g:
ambil (to take) ! mengambil (taking)
embun (vapor) ! mengembun (to condense)
ikat (to tie) ! mengikat (to tie/to bind)
olah (process) ! mengolah (processing)
ukur (to measure) ! mengukur (measuring)
kurus (slim) ! mengurus (become slimmer)
urus (to take care) ! mengurus (to take care)
ganggu (to disturb) ! mengganggu (disturbing)
hilang (to lose) ! menghilang (to dissapear)
meny + s. . . , e.g:
sisir (comb) ! menyisir (to comb something)
mem + bjfjp. . . , e.g:
beku (frozen) ! membeku (to become frozen)
fitnah (to accuse) ! memfitnah (accusing)
pukul(to hit) ! memukul (hitting)
men + cjdjjjt. . .
cuci (to wash) ! mencuci (washing)
darat (land) ! mendarat (landing/docking)
jual (to sell) ! menjual (selling)
tukar (to change) ! menukar (changing)
me + ljmjnjrjyjw. . . , e.g:
lintas (to cross) ! melintas (crossing)
makan (to eat) ! memakan (eating)
nikah (marriage) ! menikah (to get married)
rusak (to break) ! merusak (breaking)
wabah (epidemic) ! mewabah (outbreak)
yakin (sure) ! meyakin(kan) (to convince someone)
peng peng + Voweljkjgjh. . . , e.g:
ikat (to tie) ! pengikat (something that is used to tie)
continue to next page
34continued from previous page
Prefix Variation Form Rules
olah (to process) ! pengolah (processor)
ukur (to measure) ! pengukur (measurement)
urus (to take care) ! pengurus (person who take cares)
ganggu (to disturb) ! pengganggu (person who disturbs)
halus (soft) ! penghalus (softener)
peny + s. . . , e.g:
saring (to filter) ! penyaring (filter)
pem + bjfjp. . . , e.g:
baca (to read) ! pembaca (reader)
fitnah (to accuse) ! pemfitnah (people who accuse)
pukul(to hit) ! pemukul (things that is used to hit)
pen + cjdjjjt. . .
cuci (to wash) ! pencuci (laundress/laundryman)
datang (to come) ! pendatang (the comer)
jual (to sell) ! penjual (seller)
tukar (to change) ! penukar (changer)
pe + ljmjnjrjyjw. . . , e.g:
lintas (to cross) ! pelintas (passerby)
makan (to eat) ! pemakan (eater)
rusak (to break) ! perusak (destroyer)
warna (color) ! pewarna (dye)
ber bel + ajar, eg:
ajar (to teach) ! belajar (to study/to learn)
be + rjKVr. . . , e.g:
rencana (plan) ! berencana (to have a plan)
kerja (to work) ! bekerja (working)
ber + any word which violates conditions of the alomorphs bel and be
tukar (to change) ! bertukar (to change, changing)
per pel + ajar, e.g:
ajar (to teach) ! pelajar (student)
pe + rjKVr. . . , e.g:
ramal (to predict) ! peramal (fortune-teller)
per + any word which violates conditions of the alomorphs pel and pe
kaya (rich) ! perkaya (to make richer)
ter te + r. . . , e.g:
rasa (to feel) ! terasa (to be felt)
ter + KjV. . . , where K = r, e.g: 6
atur (to arrange) ! teratur (to be properly arranged)
35Appendix B
The Meaning of Affixations
Table B.1: The meaning of affixations
Affix Functions Examples
meng- verb to verb form makan (to eat) ! memakan (to eat, eating)
noun to verb form sisir (comb) ! menyisir (to comb)
di- verb to passive verb form makan ! dimakan (to be eaten)
noun to passive verb form sisir ! disisir (to be combed)
ter- verb to passive accidental verb form makan ! termakan (to be eaten accidently)
noun to passive accidental verb form paku (nail) ! terpaku (to get nailed accidently)
peng- noun to noun form tani (farm) ! petani (farmer)
verb to noun form baca (to read) ! pembaca (reader)
adjective to noun form rusak (damaged, destroyed) ! perusak (destroyer)
ber- verb to active verb form main (to play) ! bermain (to play, playing)
noun to active verb form sepeda (bicycle) ! bersepeda (to bike/cycling)
adjective to active verb form gembira (happy) ! bergembira (to be excited)
per- verb to noun form kerja (to work) ! pekerja (worker)
noun to causative verb form istri (wife) ! peristri (to take someone as a wife)
adjective to causative verb form halus (soft) ! perhalus (to make softer)
ke- adjective to noun form tua (old) ! ketua (leader)
-kan verb to command verb form ambil (to take) ! ambilkan (asking someone to take)
noun to command verb form sisir ! sisirkan (asking someone to comb something)
adjective to command verb form jauh (far) ! jauhkan (asking someone to move something further)
-i verb to intensive/repetitive verb form ambil ! ambili (taking something several times)
noun to intensive/repetitive verb form sisir ! sisiri (combing something several times)
adjective to commmand verb form jauh ! jauhi (asking someone to move further from something)
-an verb to noun form makan ! makanan (food, something to be eaten)
36Appendix C
Word Frequency Analysis
Word frequency analysis was conducted by performing experiment on Bahasa Indonesia corpus.
This experiment used online Indonesia newspapers as text source. One year editions are collected
from Online Kompas,, one of the most widely read newspaper in Indonesia. These editions are taken in a consecutive of every day in a year (started from January
2001 until December 2001) with the total of 3160 documents. These documents are only the daily
headlines of the newspaper.
The corpus, which is built from this analysis, consists of 50.000 unique words, after removing the
names of peoples, cities, organisations, countries, etc. The results of the most frequently occur
words can be seen in Table C.1. This list consists of root words and derived words. The number
of root words and derived words are still under investigation. The further investigation will be
done by using Indonesian Dictionary.
37Table C.1: Most frequently occur words
No Word Freq. No. Word Freq. No. Word Freq No Word Freq
1 yang 55971 51 lalu 3495 101 dana 2191 151 kali 1587
2 dan 41286 52 kita 3467 102 pukul 2184 152 umum 1584
3 itu 24768 53 kalau 3438 103 bukan 2174 153 ujar 1564
4 tidak 18723 54 belum 3422 104 tetap 2169 154 terus 1539
5 dengan 18281 55 terjadi 3417 105 jika 2128 155 jelas 1528
6 dari 17632 56 besar 3346 106 semua 2122 156 sedang 1502
7 untuk 16886 57 terhadap 3284 107 sama 2110 157 diri 1495
8 dalam 15681 58 kepala 3243 108 waktu 2109 158 memberikan 1488
9 ini 14707 59 masyarakat 3211 109 sejumlah 2086 159 juta 1482
10 akan 12433 60 sampai 3211 110 bank 2083 160 sebelumnya 1473
11 juga 9343 61 sementara 3197 111 polisi 2073 161 masuk 1469
12 pada 9212 62 politik 3197 112 memang 2062 162 hasil 1454
13 ada 8592 63 setelah 3183 113 hingga 2042 163 adanya 1450
14 presiden 8310 64 tak 3177 114 sejak 2019 164 maupun 1447
15 karena 7935 65 antara 3149 115 partai 2017 165 berada 1445
16 bisa 6703 66 lagi 3145 116 baik 2012 166 per 1445
17 sudah 6690 67 ketua 3093 117 sekarang 1991 167 pernah 1442
18 tersebut 6121 68 melakukan 2989 118 sendiri 1965 168 meminta 1433
19 pemerintah 5963 69 dilakukan 2897 119 tim 1959 169 bangsa 1423
20 tahun 5766 70 saja 2894 120 apa 1955 170 kini 1419
21 oleh 5675 71 katanya 2866 121 menyatakan 1951 171 jadi 1416
22 saya 5643 72 persen 2858 122 tentang 1930 172 menurut 1409
23 atau 5429 73 dapat 2839 123 korban 1890 173 soal 1404
24 mereka 5392 74 daerah 2820 124 pihak 1889 174 segera 1397
25 kepada 5336 75 jalan 2798 125 sehingga 1860 175 aksi 1397
26 menjadi 5219 76 anggota 2796 126 dunia 1856 176 perlu 1391
27 harus 5184 77 sangat 2785 127 demikian 1855 177 mulai 1388
28 hari 5163 78 pun 2756 128 lainnya 1847 178 sebelum 1379
29 kata 5148 79 hal 2749 129 masalah 1815 179 bersama 1372
30 sebagai 5068 80 rumah 2736 130 rakyat 1807 180 termasuk 1371
31 adalah 4922 81 warga 2676 131 salah 1803 181 seluruh 1370
32 lebih 4818 82 beberapa 2639 132 kasus 1796 182 pusat 1364
33 para 4686 83 seorang 2618 133 tempat 1793 183 agung 1358
34 mengatakan 4650 84 banyak 2613 134 kemudian 1792 184 milyar 1357
35 hanya 4457 85 atas 2593 135 berbagai 1790 185 sidang 1349
36 orang 4430 86 ekonomi 2546 136 keamanan 1788 186 kenaikan 1334
37 telah 4363 87 agar 2525 137 harga 1785 187 akibat 1333
38 masih 4283 88 serta 2517 138 tengah 1767 188 melalui 1315
39 bahwa 4266 89 bagi 2467 139 pertemuan 1763 189 rapat 1303
40 tetapi 4180 90 kota 2439 140 bulan 1755 190 setiap 1297
41 namun 4134 91 kembali 2410 141 langsung 1748 191 empat 1296
42 saat 4105 92 ketika 2394 142 wakil 1696 192 tanpa 1287
43 seperti 4080 93 hukum 2369 143 selain 1664 193 pemerintahan 1257
44 negara 4027 94 selama 2367 144 membuat 1652 194 begitu 1256
45 sekitar 4009 95 tiga 2347 145 pasar 1640 195 pesawat 1254
46 secara 3959 96 merupakan 2340 146 malam 1623 196 kerja 1243
47 lain 3797 97 sebuah 2306 147 pertama 1623 197 kemarin 1241
48 kami 3785 98 kedua 2277 148 nasional 1619 198 apakah 1234
49 satu 3750 99 negeri 2256 149 sebesar 1612 199 ujarnya 1216
50 baru 3591 100 luar 2225 150 bahkan 1607 200 datang 1211
38Appendix D
A Stoplist for Bahasa Indonesia
Table D.1: Suggested stoplist for Bahasa Indonesia
Word Root Part of Speech Word Root Part of Speech
ada ada verb lah lah particle
adanya ada noun lain lain adjective
adalah adalah verb lainnya lain adjective
adapun adapun particle melainkan lain verb
agak agak adverb selaku laku particle
agaknya agak adverb lalu lalu verb
agar agar particle melalui lalu verb
akan akan particle terlalu lalu adverb
akankah akan particle lama lama adjective
akhirnya akhir noun lamanya lama noun
aku aku pronomia selama lama noun
akulah aku pronomia selama-lamanya lama adjective
amat amat adverb selamanya lama adjective
amatlah amat adverb lebih lebih adjective
anda anda noun terlebih lebih adverb
andalah anda noun bermacam macam adjective
antar antar particle bermacam-macam macam adjective
diantaranya antar verb macam macam noun
antara antara noun semacam macam adverb
antaranya antara particle maka maka particle
diantara antara verb makanya maka particle
apa apa pronomia makin makin adverb
apaan apa pronomia malah malah adverb
mengapa apa pronomia malahan malah adverb
apabila apabila particle mampu mampu adjective
apakah apakah pronomia mampukah mampu adjective
apalagi apalagi pronomia mana mana pronoun
apatah apatah pronomia manakala manakala particle
atau atau particle manalagi manalagi particle
ataukah atau particle masih masih adverb
ataupun atau particle masihkah masih adverb
bagai bagai noun semasih masih adverb
bagaikan bagai particle masing masing pronomia
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Word Root Part of Speech Word Root Part of Speech
sebagai bagai particle masing-masing masing-masing pronomia
sebagainya bagai particle mau mau adverb
bagaimana bagaimana pronomia maupun mau particle
bagaimanapun bagaimana pronomia semaunya mau adverb
sebagaimana bagaimana particle memang memang adverb
bagaimanakah bagainamakah pronomia mereka mereka pronomia
bagi bagi particle merekalah mereka pronomia
bahkan bahkan adverb meski meski particle
bahwa bahwa particle meskipun meski particle
bahwasanya bahwasannya particle semula mula adverb
sebaliknya balik adverb mungkin mungkin adverb
banyak banyak adjective mungkinkah mungkin adverb
sebanyak banyak numeralia nah nah particle
beberapa beberapa numeralia namun namun particle
seberapa beberapa numeralia nanti nanti adverb
begini begini pronomia nantinya nanti adverb
beginian begini adjective nyaris nyaris adverb
beginikah begini pronomia oleh oleh particle
beginilah begini pronomia olehnya oleh particle
sebegini begini numeralia seorang orang noun
begitu begitu adverb seseorang orang noun
begitukah begitu adverb pada pada particle
begitulah begitu adverb padanya pada particle
begitupun begitu adverb padahal padahal particle
sebegitu begitu numeralia paling paling adverb
belum belum adverb sepanjang panjang noun
belumlah belum adverb pantas pantas adjective
sebelum belum adverb sepantasnya pantas adjective
sebelumnya belum adverb sepantasnyalah pantas adjective
sebenarnya benar adverb para para particle
berapa berapa pronomia pasti pasti adjective
berapakah berapa pronomia pastilah pasti adjective
berapalah berapa pronomia per per paticle
berapapun berapa pronomia pernah pernah adverb
betulkah betul adjective pula pula particle
sebetulnya betul adverb pun pun particle
biasa biasa adjective merupakan rupa verb
biasanya biasa adjective rupanya rupa noun
bila bila particle serupa rupa verb
bilakah bila particle saat saat noun
bisa bisa verb saatnya saat noun
bisakah bisa verb sesaat saat noun
sebisanya bisa adverb saja saja adverb
boleh boleh particle sajalah saja adverb
bolehkah boleh particle saling saling adverb
bolehlah boleh particle bersama sama verb
buat buat particle bersama-sama sama verb
bukan bukan adverb sama sama adjective
bukankah bukan pronomia sama-sama sama adjective
bukanlah bukan adverb sesama sama noun
bukannya bukan adverb sambil sambil particle
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40continued from previous page
Word Root Part of Speech Word Root Part of Speech
cuma cuma adverb sampai sampai verb
percuma cuma adverb sana sana noun
dahulu dahulu adverb sangat sangat adverb
dalam dalam particle sangatlah sangat adverb
dan dan particle saya saya pronomia
dapat dapat adverb sayalah saya pronomia
dari dari particle se se particle
daripada daripada particle sebab sebab particle
dekat dekat adjective sebabnya sebab particle
demi demi particle sebuah sebuah numeralia
demikian demikian pronomia tersebut sebut verb
demikianlah demikian pronomia tersebutlah sebut verb
sedemikian demikian pronomia sedang sedang particle
dengan dengan particle sedangkan sedang particle
depan depan noun sedikit sedikit adjective
di di particle sedikitnya sedikit adverb
dia dia pronomia segala segala adjective
dialah dia pronomia segalanya segala adjective
dini dini adjective segera segera adverb
diri diri noun sesegera segera adverb
dirinya diri noun sejak sejak particle
terdiri diri verb sejenak sejenak noun
dong dong particle sekali sekali adverb
dulu dulu adverb sekalian sekali numeralia
enggak enggak adverb sekalipun sekali particle
enggaknya enggak adverb sesekali sekali adverb
entah entah adverb sekaligus sekaligus adverb
entahlah entah adverb sekarang sekarang adverb
terhadap hadap particle sekarang sekaranglah adverb
terhadapnya hadap particle sekitar sekitar noun
hal hal noun sekitarnya sekitar noun
hampir hampir adverb sela sela adverb
hanya hanya adverb selain selain particle
hanyalah hanya adverb selalu selalu adverb
harus harus adverb seluruh seluruh numeral
haruslah harus adverb seluruhnya seluruh numeral
harusnya harus adverb semakin semakin adverb
seharusnya harus adverb sementara sementara particle
hendak hendak particle sempat sempat adverb
hendaklah hendak adverb semua semua numeralia
hendaknya hendak particle semuanya semua adverb
hingga hingga particle sendiri sendiri adverb
sehingga hingga particle sendirinya sendiri adverb
ia ia pronomia seolah seolah verb
ialah ialah particle seolah-olah seolah adverb
ibarat ibarat particle seperti seperti particle
ingin ingin particle sepertinya seperti particle
inginkah ingin verb sering sering adverb
inginkan ingin verb seringnya sering adverb
ini ini pronomia serta serta particle
inikah ini pronomia siapa siapa pronomia
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41continued from previous page
Word Root Part of Speech Word Root Part of Speech
inilah ini pronomia siapakah siapa pronomia
itu itu pronomia siapapun siapa pronomia
itukah itu pronomia disini sini adverb
itulah itu pronomia disinilah sini adverb
jangan jangan particle sini sini adverb
jangankan jangan particle sinilah sini adverb
janganlah jangan particle sesuatu suatu pronomia
jika jika particle sesuatunya suatu pronomia
jikalau jikalau particle suatu suatu pronomia
juga juga adverb sesudah sudah particle
justru justru adverb sesudahnya sudah particle
kala kala noun sudah sudah adverb
kalau kalau particle sudahkah sudah adverb
kalaulah kalau particle sudahlah sudah adverb
kalaupun kalau particle supaya supaya particle
berkali-kali kali adverb tadi tadi adverb
sekali-kali kali adverb tadinya tadi adverb
kalian kalian pronomia tak tak adverb
kami kami pronomia tanpa tanpa adverb
kamilah kami pronomia setelah telah adverb
kamu kamu pronomia telah telah adverb
kamulah kamu pronomia tentang tentang particle
kan kan particle tentu tentu adjective
kapan kapan particle tentulah tentu adjective
kapankah kapan particle tentunya tentu adverb
kapanpun kapan particle tertentu tentu adjective
dikarenakan karena verb seterusnya terus adverb
karena karena particle tapi tetapi particle
karenanya karena particle tetapi tetapi particle
ke ke particle setiap tiap numeralia
kecil kecil adjective tiap tiap adjective
kemudian kemudian particle setidak-tidaknya tidak adverb
kenapa kenapa pronomia setidaknya tidak adverb
kepada kepada particle tidak tidak adverb
kepadanya kepadanya particle tidakkah tidak adverb
ketika ketika noun tidaklah tidak adverb
seketika ketika adverb toh toh particle
khususnya khusus adverb waduh waduh particle
kini kini adverb wah wah particle
kinilah kini adverb wahai wahai particle
kiranya kira adverb sewaktu waktu noun
sekiranya kira verb walau walau particle
kita kita pronomia walaupun walau particle
kitalah kita pronomia wong wong pronomia
kok kok particle yaitu yaitu particle
lagi lagi adverb yakni yakni particle
lagian lagi adverb yang yang particle
42Table D.2: Most common words in Bahasa Indonesia newspapers
Word Root Part of Speech Word Root Part of Speech
berada ada verb masa masa noun
keadaan ada noun semasa masa adverb
akhir akhir noun masalah masalah noun
akhiri akhir verb masalahnya masalah noun
berakhir akhir verb termasuk masuk verb
berakhirlah akhir verb semata mata adverb
berakhirnya akhir noun semata-mata mata adverb
diakhiri akhir verb diminta minta verb
diakhirinya akhir verb dimintai minta verb
mengakhiri akhir verb meminta minta verb
terakhir akhir adjective memintakan minta verb
artinya arti noun minta minta verb
berarti arti verb mirip mirip adverb
asal asal particle dimisalkan misal verb
asalkan asal particle memisalkan misal verb
atas atas noun misal misal noun
awal awal noun misalkan misal verb
awalnya awal noun misalnya misal noun
berawal awal verb semisal misal noun
berbagai bagai verb semisalnya misal noun
bagian bagi noun bermula mula verb
sebagian bagi noun mula mula noun
baik baik adjective mulanya mula verb
sebaik baik adjective dimulai mulai verb
sebaik-baiknya baik adverb dimulailah mulai verb
sebaiknya baik adverb dimulainya mulai noun
bakal bakal adverb memulai mulai verb
bakalan bakal verb mulai mulai verb
balik balik noun mulailah mulai verb
terbanyak banyak adjective dimungkinkan mungkin verb
bapak bapak noun kemungkinan mungkin noun
baru baru adjective kemungkinannya mungkin noun
bawah bawah noun memungkinkan mungkin verb
belakang belakang noun menaiki naik verb
belakangan belakang noun naik naik verb
benar benar adjective menanti nanti verb
benarkah benar adjective menanti-nanti nanti verb
benarlah benar adjective menantikan nanti verb
beri beri verb menyatakan nyata verb
berikan beri verb nyatanya nyata adjective
diberi beri verb ternyata nyata verb
diberikan beri verb pak pak pronomia
diberikannya beri verb panjang panjang adjective
memberi beri verb dipastikan pasti verb
memberikan beri verb memastikan pasti verb
besar besar adjective penting penting adjective
sebesar besar adjective pentingnya penting adjective
betul betul adjective diperlukan perlu verb
kebetulan betul adverb diperlukannya perlu noun
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43continued from previous page
Word Root Part of Speech Word Root Part of Speech
dibuat buat verb memerlukan perlu verb
dibuatnya buat verb perlu perlu adverb
diperbuat buat verb perlukah perlu adverb
diperbuatnya buat verb perlunya perlu noun
membuat buat verb seperlunya perlu adverb
memperbuat buat verb pertama pertama numeralia
bulan bulan noun pertama-tama pertama adverb
bung bung noun memihak pihak verb
cara cara noun pihak pihak noun
caranya cara noun pihaknya pihak noun
secara cara particle sepihak pihak noun
cukup cukup adjective pukul pukul noun
cukupkah cukup adjective dipunyai punya verb
cukuplah cukup adjective mempunyai punya verb
secukupnya cukup adjective punya punya verb
terdahulu dahulu adverb merasa rasa verb
didapat dapat verb rasa rasa noun
mendapat dapat verb rasanya rasa noun
mendapatkan dapat verb terasa rasa verb
terdapat dapat verb rata rata adverb
berdatangan datang verb berupa rupa verb
datang datang verb disampaikan sampai verb
didatangkan datang verb kesampaian sampai verb
mendatang datang adjective menyampaikan sampai verb
mendatangi datang verb sampai-sampai sampai verb
mendatangkan datang verb sampaikan sampai verb
dua dua numeralia sesampai sampai particle
kedua dua numeralia tersampaikan sampai verb
keduanya dua numeralia menyangkut sangkut verb
empat empat numeralia satu satu numeralia
seenaknya enak adjective disebut sebut verb
digunakan guna verb disebutkan sebut verb
dipergunakan guna verb disebutkannya sebut verb
guna guna noun menyebutkan sebut verb
gunakan guna verb sebut sebut verb
mempergunakan guna verb sebutlah sebut verb
menggunakan guna verb sebutnya sebut verb
hari hari noun keseluruhan seluruh noun
berkehendak hendak verb keseluruhannya seluruh noun
menghendaki hendak verb menyeluruh seluruh verb
diibaratkan ibarat verb sendirian sendiri pronomia
diibaratkannya ibarat noun bersiap siap verb
ibaratkan ibarat verb bersiap-siap siap verb
ibaratnya ibarat particle mempersiapkan siap verb
mengibaratkan ibarat verb menyiapkan siap verb
mengibaratkannya ibarat verb siap siap verb
ibu ibu noun dipersoalkan soal verb
berikut ikut adjective mempersoalkan soal verb
berikutnya ikut adjective persoalan soal noun
ikut ikut verb soal soal noun
diingat ingat verb soalnya soal noun
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Word Root Part of Speech Word Root Part of Speech
diingatkan ingat verb diketahui tahu verb
ingat ingat verb diketahuinya tahu noun
ingat-ingat ingat verb mengetahui tahu verb
mengingat ingat verb tahu tahu verb
mengingatkan ingat verb tahun tahun noun
seingat ingat adverb ditambahkan tambah verb
teringat ingat verb menambahkan tambah verb
teringat-ingat ingat verb tambah tambah verb
berkeinginan ingin verb tambahnya tambah verb
diinginkan ingin verb tampak tampak verb
keinginan ingin noun tampaknya tampak verb
menginginkan ingin verb ditandaskan tandas verb
jadi jadi verb menandaskan tandas verb
jadilah jadi verb tandas tandas adjectice
jadinya jadi noun tandasnya tandas verb
menjadi jadi verb bertanya tanya verb
terjadi jadi verb bertanya-tanya tanya verb
terjadilah jadi verb dipertanyakan tanya verb
terjadinya jadi noun ditanya tanya verb
jauh jauh adjective ditanyai tanya verb
sejauh jauh noun ditanyakan tanya verb
dijawab jawab verb mempertanyakan tanya verb
jawab jawab verb menanya tanya verb
jawaban jawab verb menanyai tanya verb
jawabnya jawab verb menanyakan tanya verb
menjawab jawab verb pertanyaan tanya noun
dijelaskan jelas verb pertanyakan tanya verb
dijelaskannya jelas verb tanya tanya verb
jelas jelas adjective tanyakan tanya verb
jelaskan jelas verb tanyanya tanya verb
jelaslah jelas adjective ditegaskan tegas verb
jelasnya jelas verb menegaskan tegas verb
menjelaskan jelas verb tegas tegas verb
berjumlah jumlah verb tegasnya tegas verb
jumlah jumlah noun setempat tempat noun
jumlahnya jumlah noun tempat tempat noun
sejumlah jumlah noun setengah tengah numeralia
sekadar kadar adverb tengah tengah adverb
sekadarnya kadar adverb tepat tepat adjective
kasus kasus noun terus terus adverb
berkata kata verb tetap tetap adjective
dikatakan kata verb setiba tiba particle
dikatakannya kata noun setibanya tiba noun
kata kata verb tiba tiba verb
katakan kata verb tiba-tiba tiba-tiba adverb
katakanlah kata verb tiga tiga numeralia
katanya kata noun setinggi tinggi adjective
mengatakan kata verb tinggi tinggi adjective
mengatakannya kata verb ditujukan tuju verb
sekecil kecil adjective menuju tuju verb
keluar keluar verb tertuju tuju verb
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Word Root Part of Speech Word Root Part of Speech
kembali kembali verb ditunjuk tunjuk verb
berkenaan kena verb ditunjuki tunjuk verb
mengenai kena particle ditunjukkan tunjuk verb
bekerja kerja verb ditunjukkannya tunjuk verb
dikerjakan kerja verb ditunjuknya tunjuk verb
mengerjakan kerja verb menunjuk tunjuk verb
dikira kira verb menunjuki tunjuk verb
diperkirakan kira verb menunjukkan tunjuk verb
kira kira noun menunjuknya tunjuk verb
kira-kira kira adverb tunjuk tunjuk verb
memperkirakan kira verb berturut turut adverb
mengira kira verb berturut-turut turut adverb
terkira kira verb menurut turut particle
kurang kurang adverb turut turut verb
sekurang-kurangnya kurang adverb bertutur tutur verb
sekurangnya kurang adverb dituturkan tutur verb
berlainan lain verb dituturkannya tutur noun
dilakukan laku verb menuturkan tutur verb
melakukan laku verb tutur tutur verb
berlalu lalu verb tuturnya tutur verb
dilalui lalu verb diucapkan ucap verb
keterlaluan lalu adjective diucapkannya ucap verb
kelamaan lama adjective mengucapkan ucap verb
berlangsung langsung verb mengucapkannya ucap verb
lanjut lanjut adjective ucap ucap verb
lanjutnya lanjut verb ucapnya ucap verb
selanjutnya lanjut adverb berujar ujar verb
berlebihan lebih adjective ujar ujar noun
lewat lewat particle ujarnya ujar noun
dilihat lihat verb umum umum adjective
diperlihatkan lihat verb umumnya umum adverb
kelihatan lihat noun diungkapkan ungkap verb
kelihatannya lihat noun mengungkapkan ungkap verb
melihat lihat verb ungkap ungkap verb
melihatnya lihat verb ungkapnya ungkap verb
memperlihatkan lihat verb untuk untuk particle
terlihat lihat verb usah usah verb
kelima lima numeralia seusai usai particle
lima lima numeralia usai usai verb
luar luar noun terutama utama adverb
bermaksud maksud verb waktu waktu noun
dimaksud maksud verb waktunya waktu noun
dimaksudkan maksud verb meyakini yakin verb
dimaksudkannya maksud verb meyakinkan yakin verb
dimaksudnya maksud verb yakin yakin adjective
semampu mampu adjective
semampunya mampu adjective
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